A lot of yall claim to support workers until that Worker is Clarence Thomas asking for a 2000% raise on his lifetime guaranteed salary of $300k per year
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The average billionaire bribes Clarence Thomas 0 times per year. Corruptions Harlan, who bribes Thomas 12 times a week, is an outlier adn should not be counted.
It’s always the little people like Clarence who get forgotten. Spare a thought this holiday season for the meager and spartan existence of our esteemed high court justices. I heard he had to drink an Imperial Collection Fabrege Egg vodka martini instead of one made from Beluga Epicure vodka.
For every bottle, they kill a whale and use its oil to run the distillery. Obviously they could get way more bottles out of a single whale if they wanted to, but who wants to distill like they're just some fucking peasant?
…and this was on his FRIENDS yacht! Not even his own!!! Seriously, like WTF!? Do we want to live in an America where a Supreme Court justice can’t even afford his own mega yacht!?
That’s an awful lot of money when you consider that the Founding Fathers did all the work and he’s just parroting their 250 year old opinions and prejudices.
Wait, I was all for a raise but 300K is more than enough to live on. It was even enough to buy that fancy schmancy RV if he was willing to make payments.
The Clarence Thomases United Workers Union represents more than 11% of supreme court justices. It's a scandal how Elizabeth Warren isn't standing up for them.
I think, WE, the People, are being TOO overly generous in compensation to the corrupt & lazy employees hired. I think, it's time to REPEAL and REPLACE, don't you? We have that right to do this you know. The Constitution says "they shall be compensated;" not how much.
But, come on, honestly! It costs a lot of money to look this cheap!
The news seems to indicate Justice Thomas gets by on them too.
The struggle is real and burdensome.
I really do not miss that place
litigants can use multiple income supplements on a single supreme court justice