Everyone is talking about how much they enjoy focus mode in Wilds because they basically can't whiff any of their attacks anymore, like you guys know that's a bad thing right? You know that's boring, right??
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idk if you saw that clip that shows while using focus mode also makes your combos reach longer, i really don't understand why it doesn't consume stamina or something, is really really broken
100% this but also, you don't have to use it. I certainly didn't in the first open beta and didn't feel like i was playing in the "unintended" way.
But yeah this obsession with putting QoL shit into every single aspect is seriously harming the franchise but there's nothing we can do about it afaik.
(In all seriousness, I think the focus mode is fine for GS. Even just being able to turn slightly is a buff for it. I disagree with you, but I understand where you are coming from.)
Gs felt the most trivialize by focus mode imo
It's so strong that you can literally 720 during TCS
I never left focus mode the entire hunt because I wasn't punished or incentivized to do anything else in the beta
Im just happy its not an essential gimmick, like clutch claw was, just a fun extra for those who want it
I think its an acceptable middle ground between clutch claw/wirebug and nothing (and oldschool nothing is not on the table anymore, sorry superrad)
Guys I don't think my opinion is the end all be all, I'm just saying what's on my mind. If you disagree with my criticism of something, that's cool, just don't be weird about it, thank you.
It’s not mandatory. It’s a good flinch mechanic, but it’s not a mechanic that’s like “do this or you’re gonna lose.” The Clutch Claw was the same way. It was not a mandatory thing unless you were using a specific build and you needed the monster in a perpetual rage.
The game is designed around mechanics like these. They are essentially mandatory to play through the intended experience. Clutch claw had the same issue.
It is not “essentially mandatory” to use the mechanics. You do not have to use focus mode to attack weak points. You do even more damage just attacking them like your would normally. All focus attacks are good for is a little damage and a stagger. It’s not necessary to succeed and progress.
Gonna disagree with you there the clutch claw was definitely pretty much mandatory unless you wanted to spend 30+ minutes for each hunt in Iceborne because they built the encounters with you using the mechanic in mind which is why I quit playing initially.
I finally feel validated
There's also the fact that there's kinda 0 reason to not use focus mode all the time
Playing in the beta I found myself playing on focus the whole hunt because I was never punished for doing so
I feel like a meter that getd built up by successfully attacking based in the motion value of your attacks and hitzone hit. That can be cashed in whenever for long use or short bursts would be a good way to take it. Too late for something like that though.
I would go further and make it a modifier that lets u access special moves with niche functions (see lock on in dmc or bayonetta), imo focus mode is a fundamentally bad idea, allowing the player to freely readjust their aim crushes the skill test of lining up and committing to ur attacks.
I also get the impression that the hunter's slower recov anims and nerfed repositioning on certain attacks are to compensate for the increased flexibility when attacking. It's so lame bc if they kept the strong fundamental limitations they wouldnt need these post-process filters to create challenge
It was so strong I found myself preferring not to even use it tbh. I prefer the usual flow of mh combat, I’d prefer if focus used stamina or some other meter idk
But yeah this obsession with putting QoL shit into every single aspect is seriously harming the franchise but there's nothing we can do about it afaik.
(In all seriousness, I think the focus mode is fine for GS. Even just being able to turn slightly is a buff for it. I disagree with you, but I understand where you are coming from.)
It's so strong that you can literally 720 during TCS
I never left focus mode the entire hunt because I wasn't punished or incentivized to do anything else in the beta
I think its an acceptable middle ground between clutch claw/wirebug and nothing (and oldschool nothing is not on the table anymore, sorry superrad)
You FOOL!!
Its a thrill because it rarely happens
There's also the fact that there's kinda 0 reason to not use focus mode all the time
Playing in the beta I found myself playing on focus the whole hunt because I was never punished for doing so
The hunter has more detailed movements with more interpolation and inbetweening that looks more realistic but feels more sluggish