It is time to end the special relationship with Trump
Donald Trump in the White House: a relationship with a dishonest sexual predator and convicted criminal isn't a relationship. It's abuse
Donald Trump in the White House: a relationship with a dishonest sexual predator and convicted criminal isn't a relationship. It's abuse
hopefully rump won't be there too long
Sorry babes, it won't happen again.
Bollocks it won't.
Make your plans, get out.
I write this as the news announces at least 25 more killed in Ukraine: guess why.
The abuse only gets worse. After my parents divorced, he married 3 more times and was divorced for life threatening battery
He never got better. ABUSERS never do.
It's the land of no paid holidays and no workers rights, no health care, no sick pay.
Just what the right wing Farage and Co want here.
We and all NATO nations need to decouple from America but stick together.