Among all countries worldwide, 27.9% of electricity was generated in 2023 with WWS:

14.3% hydro
7.79% wind
5.54% solar
0.3% geothermal

Leading continents/regions:
South America: 57.7% WWS
Oceania: 40.4%
Europe: 35.5%
North America: 27.2%
Africa: 24.4%
Asia: 24.4%
Mideast: 4.54%
Reposted from Mark Z. Jacobson
Also, in 2023, 12 countries produced 99.3-263% of the electricity they consumed from WindWaterSolar

60 countries (representing 15.6% of world pop) generated 50-100% of the electricity they generated from WWS. These countries averaged 74.6% WWS: 60.3% hydro, 9.33% wind, 4.03% solar, and 0.87% geoth)
