That's what I'm afraid might happen, when you elect a man who's so ignorant and stupid, you never know what Trump will do, nothing will be off the table.
tRump's cult followers get angry when they're called "deplorables" or MAGAts. Perhaps we should just start calling them PRO-fascists, since they consider "antifa" to be some sort of a slur, even though many of them prob. have ancestors who fought in WW2.
Saw a mat blk Cyber truck today, I can’t express how truly ugly it was. They have tinted dark windows so you can’t see the prick inside. It was slow, annoying and I don’t think his blinkers worked. Agh, they are the definition of MAGA, beyond awful!
“Trump Complicit”Republicans who are no longer useful idiots are being thrown under the bus one by one. They are learning a long taught lesson. “When one agrees to accept the leash, one must also agree to heel.
What makes you think America hasn’t been here before? Jim Crow, executing demonstrators, etc. Democracy has never existed here when you can frighten away voters or make it an ordeal to cast a ballot
They are just so incredibly dangerous in so many ways.