Former Donald Trump advisor Gina Loudon accuses ‘Wicked’ of being racist against white people and says Ariana Grande is “obviously Hispanic”:
"The racism and the racial appropriation I just thought was offensive, frankly."
"The racism and the racial appropriation I just thought was offensive, frankly."
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Just another ‘Florida Fundy White Supremacist.’
Not to mention Spain itself.
But for these intellectual eunuchs, nobody is as "white" as them. Even if you're pasty white and have blue or green eyes.
is mad about an Italian getting an acting gig
So she takes it on Ariana Grande. As if Grande was an exclusively "hispanic" last name.
This is the kind of intellectual mongrels who "advise" donald trump. Does anyone expect any decent results?
Honestly. These people are just looking for an excuse to be mad.
Like the movie or don't, but this is a stupid criticism.
I hope my Mormon family realizes that when LDS folks were immigrating from the British Isles, many from London areas, they also were seen as not white enough. Regardless of ancestry. Because it's not about that, it's about evil.