1 evil act does *not* justify another evil act.
When Israel murders a family in Gaza you are *no* better, NO better, than the evil terrorists that killed Israelis. In fact you are creating more terrorists. We learnt that in Ireland. What is so hard to understand? Why don't Israelis get that?
You still don't get - do you?
This conflict is all about religion - as the claim of "occupation" serves as front to the Islamist real agenda.
Here is a glimpse of what I am talking about. Look at this man!!!
The conflict in my country was all about religion too. Never heard of Northern Ireland? Learn from our mistakes.
You don't avenge a murder of an innocent by murdering a dozen innocents of the other religion.
All you do is lower yourself to the level of the terrorists. Makes you as bad.
Even if we did not have the videos from Gaza we would still be able to see the devastation wrought in images from satellites. You do not persuade us by insulting our intelligence.
I saw this film and gave thanks that the BBC had for once reported the sufferings of Palestinians. The BBC being forced into submission and pulling the film could be an alert for the UK. Freedom of speech is being suppressed.
I saw this documentary and it appalls me as a BBC licence fee payer. There needs to be a dismissal at the BBC and possibly a police investigation given that Hamas is a banned terrorist organisation in the UK.
Could one prove criminal intent? Also, the Met seem to have been told to bear down hard on pro Palestinian activists of any kind - journalists especially. Raffi Berg is the man at the BBC who is said to be running the pro Israel interference. Our PM says he is a Zionist, so Berg is safe.
Glad BBS got its senses & pulled the phony documentary to the trash bin
When Israel murders a family in Gaza you are *no* better, NO better, than the evil terrorists that killed Israelis. In fact you are creating more terrorists. We learnt that in Ireland. What is so hard to understand? Why don't Israelis get that?
This conflict is all about religion - as the claim of "occupation" serves as front to the Islamist real agenda.
Here is a glimpse of what I am talking about. Look at this man!!!
You don't avenge a murder of an innocent by murdering a dozen innocents of the other religion.
All you do is lower yourself to the level of the terrorists. Makes you as bad.