When I see whole Christian church congregations actually fight back- I’ll believe they understand this/ til then- they are the driving force behind this with the oligarchs & hostile foreign state actors
It always has been. They have told us to look left and right for the enemy to keep us from looking up at the real enemy. We aren't strong enough to oppose them if we are not united. That was the plan.
Republican voters are always going to believe the trickle down myth, that they will one day be rich if they just keep supporting billionaires and letting them be taxed into oblivion. You cannot reach people like that. We've been trying for decades, and they continue to vote against themselves
I don't think so, or at least a great many of "us," as voters in the USA at least, appear to support global oligarchy one hundred percent. Those are the conservatives, right wingers, Republicans, fascists among us. So still a matter of right versus left,"broadly conceived, pro-democracy liberals.
That is exactly right.
Nazis are once again trying to take over the free world. This is not hyperbole.
We are all in this together. Now is the time to organize the #resistance.
The president of the League of Billionaire Feudal Tech-lords, MElon, is directly challenging us. He daily rubs in our face that he has fully captured our government.
But they never got what he promised them last time.....no wall....didn't get Mexico to pay for it...never secured the border....An abysmal response to Covid and yet they picked him again.
Indeed. When the left and right sides recognize the class war for what it is, we can potentially solve our shared problems.
Right now it's just a bad episode of Maury, and we're ripping each other's hair out while the guys who fucked us both sit snickering off camera.
People should really start thinking about class like they think about family. Yeah, we all fight and disagree but when the cops come knocking sorry officer, I don't know where the fuck my cousin is, haven't seen them in months.
Seriously. MAGA types can't be trusted to not immediately betray any worker movement effort to curry favor with oligarchs. All the rich have to do is whisper "but the trans are a'comin for your children..." and they'd be back on board.
It has been rich against poor forever, we just all refused to see it, partly because of the ‘American dream’ that told us we could make it to the next level if we just worked hard. So ok, you are a lawyer. You still get shit on by the rich, you just have a nicer car and some stock.
Like this is a new concept. Off with their heads. It happened in france in 1789, then in 1917 with russia, and then in communist China after wwii. Is there really a reality of a global revolution to redistribute wealth? This is a distraction from the main event. Trump is taking over this country.
It's only the left recognizing it because the DNC has spent nearly no money on building up social media. Obama had a huge advantage with social media in 2008 and 2012, and since then, Republicans have completely done better than us. 2020 was a fluke win, 'cause Cheeto was so bad.
I think The Cult is in a delusional frenzy - they think the Orange Buffoon is going to pave their streets with gold. When his tariffs cause massive inflation and “entitlements” are cut they may realize they are being shit on by the elite - then we will have class war
Oh I think you are quite right about The Cult being in a delusional frenzy, everything you wrote. And people keep saying, Oh the cult will NEVER see the light...but I've read extensively on Jonestown...when things get BAD, & the roads aren't paved with gold...people turn.
I think that the Cult has been programmed to immediately reject anything that reflects negatively on Trump and to instead blame the Left or the elusory “deep state.” However, with major screw-ups by his Cabinet clowns and serious financial hardship, reality might start to hit home IMO
Exactly, that's standard in cult programming. They always are set up to blame b.s. But when reality is in their face, i.e. men with guns are pointing them at you and telling you to drink the Kool-aid (which was actually Flavor aid.) Right-wing politicians in Spain, after floods, got attacked.
I think they already know they're being shat on by elites, they just haven't realised Trumps is one of the elites, he didn't try to tell ppl their lives weren't shit because the economy was amazing like the Dems, so his lie was less obvious
What do you think will give them the message? Musk has zero empathy and already told them they’ll face hardship. I can see them turning on him in a heartbeat. But Trump will just throw Elonka under the bus. What will be the breaking point with Trump - Social Security?
I'm outside looking in. I'm sorry, I couldn't say on social security. It seems likely, it seems like public tolerance is being tested.
As you say, can't see Leonie and Trump lasting too long.
the curse of living in interesting times
He campaigned on the classic promises of every millenarian movement: destroy the power structure of the elites (deep state/media—not oligarchs), remove undesirables (non white immigrants), and usher in a new age of abundance for white men who grew up under Reagan. These movements never deliver. Ever
Excellent points!! How ironic that his anti-elitism has been used as a guise to create an oligarchy -the very antithesis of what he was claiming. And for sheeple who grew up under Reagan how amazing that -via classical conditioning- he completely flipped the polarity of perceptions of Putin/Russia
Brought on by global capitalism.
During the 80s, my uncle was sure computers would lead to a one-world evil government. Today there is a one-world global oligarchy in plain sight ruling over many puppet governments.
Though not "all of us" yet see it, I wonder what will happen when most do see it.
Greedy globalists versus us.
30% didn’t even show to 🗳️
I wonder if Bezos will stop selling these?
Nazis are once again trying to take over the free world. This is not hyperbole.
We are all in this together. Now is the time to organize the #resistance.
All hell will break loose when they come out of their stuper.
Once they realize the promises never came to fruition, how long before they turn on the Don & start demonstrating.
(mouth breathing illiterate barbarians)
The left =
(literate gender confused sloths)
Right now it's just a bad episode of Maury, and we're ripping each other's hair out while the guys who fucked us both sit snickering off camera.
Let's #Resist 🙏💙💕💙💙
As you say, can't see Leonie and Trump lasting too long.
the curse of living in interesting times
During the 80s, my uncle was sure computers would lead to a one-world evil government. Today there is a one-world global oligarchy in plain sight ruling over many puppet governments.
Though not "all of us" yet see it, I wonder what will happen when most do see it.