I think I'd have to go no mask, using that throat is too tempting! Then again I suppose I could just use your freshly soaked pussy...hearing the muffled masked moans could be nice in it's own right!
Maybe we will just have to modify the Odogaron mask so you can have both with a plug. Would you like to be there, arm over my shoulder and hand squeezing my tit, as I go into explicit detail with Gemma about what, and most importantly why, I want these special modifications to the armor?
Oh I absolutely want to be there. I want to see the look on her face as you tell her to do these modifications with almost my whole hand pumping at your cunt and the other viciously mauling your tit~ Maybe I'll bend you over and plow your pussy as she works~
Fuck me over the water bucket so when she is ready she can douse my new plug mask with the filthy mix of our combined orgasms. The taste of my pussy juices mixed with your cum forever melded into my armor. With every sweaty hunt I can taste our sex on my sealed lips 💋
Once it's done and your satisfied with how it all fits ill take you back to my tent making sure we take the "scenic" route back all around the camp with my cum dripping out of your pussy down your thighs. Once in the tent we can resume our date and test out that mask for real~
Or phrased more realistically, would you want to clean yourself off in my throat after fucking my tits or not?