'Life sentences' should not be a thing
'No parole' should not be a thing
'Youth with life sentences' should not be a thing
'Youth with life sentences with no parole' should not be a thing
In conclusion: Incarceration should not be a thing
'No parole' should not be a thing
'Youth with life sentences' should not be a thing
'Youth with life sentences with no parole' should not be a thing
In conclusion: Incarceration should not be a thing
The whole point of prison is to rehabilitate. What sense does it make to lock up a bunch of people whose brains have yet to fully form AND never give them a chance to prove they’ve rehabilitated?!?
Heck, the fact that we have for-profit prison should really spell that out for many! They need risk management, mental health services, housing after, etc!!!
And they can be kept from society in more humane ways. 🤷
I mean, the discussion here is about how prisons aren’t doing what they are intended. And your response is simply “But they SAID so!!”
What should have been done with Ted Bundy? John Wayne Gacy? Jeffrey Dahmer? Any way you have of keeping them from society could be termed prison or incarceration.
With any systems, there are flaws. In this regard, the flaw is that it is not actually helping society
And in all of those cases, therapy. All of them need therapy
In cases where you have someone with that many mental issues, behavioral tactics are to be used. Or addressing the legal system as a whole…