hey i don't know how many of y'all resisters ever see my posts but i want to impress upon you how important it is to speak plainly and not try to use words as a win button, especially ableist language.
not "he's ins*ne" when he's a liar
not "that policy is crazy" when that policy will kill people
not "he's ins*ne" when he's a liar
not "that policy is crazy" when that policy will kill people
donald trump is an arrogant bully who is doing everything he can to destroy this country.
when you use plain language, your point doesn't get lost behind words they refuse to, or pretend not to, understand.
they're wicked. not crazy.
not "you're being transphobic" but "you're intentionally harming trans people and making their life worse, you ignore the evidence bc you don't care."
not "you're a bigot" but "you're supporting policies that we already know kill people who aren't white."
honestly even if i were personally into couches i'd probably be okay with that one against that guy.