ICU Hemodynamics:
In this recently published article, the authors propose a classification of different cardiovascular phenotypes potentially observed in septic shock into 3 profiles of "LV-centric" dysfunction, promptly recognizable by critical care echocardiography (CCE):
In this recently published article, the authors propose a classification of different cardiovascular phenotypes potentially observed in septic shock into 3 profiles of "LV-centric" dysfunction, promptly recognizable by critical care echocardiography (CCE):
3. LV hyperkinesia may reflect a persistent & profound vasoplegia
Note: there is debate if #4 is indeed different from #3 and does require more fluids...
Note: I guess the authors refer to LVOT VTI (and not aortic VTI?) based on Vieillard-Baron's paper with PMID: 30888443