Shader comp stutters are an issue, no argument there. But it's probably bugged, just like it was for the XVI demo.
I've seen many people complain about the stutter in the open areas, and that's almost 100% caused by the VRAM oversaturation. The game defaults to the medium textures for a reason.
This was recorded on the 3080 12gb, 12600k, 32gb DDR5, 4K DLSS Quality, medium preset, frame rate cap via RTSS, otherwise everything stock except for the DirectStorage dlls.
Yes, shader stutter sucks, but the game doesn't seem to use so many shaders, so it stops being an issue after Ch1 really. It's obviously not great and a bad first impression, I'm not defending it, but it's not really representative of the majority of the experience.
But the lack of the traversal stutter is a way, WAY bigger deal IMO, especially for the open world game. It's not a perfect port by far, but compared to the most UE games (heck, even Ninja Gaiden that came out the same day) it feels like a miracle of engineering.
What are you trying to demo in the video linked above? It looks to be a run in an open area where there is not a variety of shaders (assets/materials) and no combat. Shaders for those copy+paste rocks and trees were probably captured. This is by no means proof that the game is generally smooth.
I've seen many people complain about the stutter in the open areas, and that's almost 100% caused by the VRAM oversaturation. The game defaults to the medium textures for a reason.
This is BY FAR the smoothest UE game I've seen since Days Gone