If doing Brexit without a plan for how it would actually work was a bad thing for a government to do, why was it okay for anyone to actually vote for it? Has KB just told all Leave voters they voted for a pig in a poke? And has she admitted she did the same?
Seeing Poles doing well and hating them for it..
Just individual pettiness justified by widespread of it.. Hysteria!
As we know, none knew anything about EU, nor how it influenced personal wellbeing.. Ignorance!
Many Indians voted too, to cut off EU so more of their own could come, ..as they do indeed. Immigration numbers tripled since!
But the referendum, no. Not based everything said before it.
#Stupid & #Dangerous
To admit that would have put people off. So they just lied their arses off and an inevitable shitshow ensued. Unforgivable.
"it's a good idea, it just wasn't done properly"