As far back as 1984 a place i worked had a couple of individuals who would turn on right wing talk radio and listen to it all day. The talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh would demonize left leaning media and their followers as people that hate America and wanted to destroy our country.
Also telling their listeners that they are **cough, cough** , true Patriots **cough, cough** that love their country and not like those lefty's. Then their listeners would go home and turn on FOX news and get a second dose of that extreme rhetoric. After decades they are extremely radicalized.
You are smart! Your explanations are the truth. The Reich wing has been brainwashing this country since Reagan. Look up the John Birch Society. The GOP was livid that they lost Nixon and people were walking away from them. They only care about themselves not Americans!! They live to hate us!
Love u brother! Thanks you for being you. Thank you for always speaking of Love, Light and Truth! Love the OHM tattoo on ur arm bc it represents the TRUE TEACHINGS of Yeshua the Christ! π
Knoxville. I love all your YouTube
Can hope they will be unraveled but I fear the worst.