YYYEESSSSS!! This is exactly it. You cannot be reasonable and rational with people who are not capable of the same. It just doesn’t work. I tried it when I left my husband and ended up making myself sick as a result. Please get louder! This Democratic Canadian needs you to. The world needs you too!
If a foreign military invaded DC it would be all hands on deck to remove the foreign military, but when a fucking civilian from south Africa walks right in...NO ONE FUCKING DOES SHIT. THIS IS AN INVASION. FUCKING ACT LIKE IT
Law 44: MOCK & HUMILIATE USING THEIR OWN WORDS AGAINST THEM like “Kick them subhuman Republicans out! They don’t deserve a seat at the table! Family MAGA? Shun ‘em Co-worker MAGA? Set ‘em up Neighbors MAGA? Embarrass ‘em! Let the 💩 hit the fan!” My snarky recollections for entertainment purposes 💙🦋💙
Elon has put on leave worker that refuse to give him access to government classified payroll. This includes the names of U.S. spies under the intelligence network.
brando, i love and really appreciate the work that you do. just honest discussions. always showing your vulnerabilities which makes you even more credible in my eyes...and never giving up. it's going to be tough for however long this all lasts...but i will watch your videos to take inspiration 🙏🏻
I’ve been bringing this up for months, and it’s being overlooked. I’d recommend reaching out to those running for office—they have contact info on their websites. Elections are on April 1st, it could really help to shine a light on their platforms by getting them on your show. It’s important.
I agree but unfortunately to impeach right now we need Republicans to be on board as they control congress. But I like that you are passionate use that and vote democrats back into a majority so we can investigate musk and trump. I share your feelings
Voting isn't on the docket. Our country is literally falling in on us. If the Democrats won't stand up right now, then we the people better get ready to form well-trained and armed militias to do their job. Waiting to vote in 2026 just isn't an option at this point.
Trump and Musk need to be arrested for committing a coup against the US. Sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. People need to be screaming at Democrats to stop finding common ground with these fascist. They need to be the opposition party now.
To save our constitutional democracy Trump and Musk must be arrested put on trial, convicted of committing a coup against the US and sentence to death. This will deter future dictator's.
Approximately 20 members of Elon Musk’s staff have begun working within the Education Department. They have gained access to multiple sensitive internal systems, including a financial aid dataset containing the personal information of millions of students enrolled in the federal student aid program.
Make America Love Again
Elon's Hacker Thieves
Akash Bobba, Edward Coristine, Luke Farritor, Gautier Cole Killian, Gavin Kliger, and Ethan Shaotran.
All of college age
Share these names!!
I am serious I do not think we can talk our way out of this situation, and I fear the consequences of saving democracy.