What, was a beholder not good enough so The Head had to send you to watch over me instead? Please…
I thought that you only specialized in hand-to-hand, and that surveillance was your little hologram buddy’s job. What, d’you get promoted or something?
…Do Claws even have ranks to be promoted to?
I thought that you only specialized in hand-to-hand, and that surveillance was your little hologram buddy’s job. What, d’you get promoted or something?
…Do Claws even have ranks to be promoted to?
As for why they sent me instead of another beholder.. I genuinely have no fucking clue.
Also, yes, Claws do have different ranks.
Though, ah, I imagine they sent *you* instead of a beholder both as a scare tactic and as a way of budgeting, instead of hiring a new guy.
…Certainly more amiable than that freaky arbiter lady, that’s for sure. What’s wrong with her, aye?