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Israel is the number one supporter of anti-Semitic sentiment, it cannot exist without making Jewish people the scapegoat for an ethnostate, read a fucking book
Yeah and if you read that Wikipedia page you’d see Israel hardly allowed a free and open election - so one can only assume they wanted Hamas to win, just as Russia wanted Trump to win.
The USA left Afghanistan as per Tromper. What have the Taliban successfully done since then? Do you see any similarities. I am of the same opinion that HAMAS are evil. Are the Taliban evil?
What have palestinians successfully done after that?
Democraticaly elected evil jihadist regime of HAMAS.
That doesn't give Israel the right to blow the crap out of civilians, just because they got attacked.
Two peas in the same we are not members of the ICC-pod.
Only one reason not to be a member.
Don't expect too much from them.