It always rattles around in my head but there was a guy on Brietbart that tried to claim GOTH as Conservative. It didn't make sense then or now and never will.
Sorry, but no. I don't care how many people join in with you, there's nothing cool about being conservative and there never will be. To study the history of the right is to study how uncool people worked hard to make the world as uncool as they were, over and over again until this very day.
I don't mean no as in the overall premise of this is wrong, I mean no as in no matter what anyone ever thinks, there's never been anything cool about conservatism
i feel this in my bones tbh. people like the idea of being something that matters but they refuse to engage with what that actually means, so it all ends up in posturing and pointing at things they bought instead of doing anything.
(the topic - the comic is great and on point)
Seems like that's what brought you across my feed, somehow.
This is a really good comic, though. Your comics are really funny.
No details, but there's a lot of that going around.
It seems to mostly happen to cool people, though, so I figured I ought to take a look at your site.
Is that frequency illusion or are you currently in the process of becoming a big deal?