Yeah if it’s meant to help get people from Midlands to London in 45 mins rather than 80 mins.
But with remote work, is there a need for that?
Isn’t it just turning Birmingham into a commuter town? For £74 billion? Almost twice the budgeted cost in 2009?! Might not be ready until 2033?!
But with remote work, is there a need for that?
Isn’t it just turning Birmingham into a commuter town? For £74 billion? Almost twice the budgeted cost in 2009?! Might not be ready until 2033?!
The ‘done properly’ bit is key here. HS2 has been managed extremely poorly, in all sorts of fun ways.
I know a few people who live in Birmingham and never hear them grumble about the trains compared to people from Manchester or friends in Westcountry where it’s half a day to get anywhere. is a great follow for more detail (he has a book out too)
But still, the need remains and at this rate, the North will never get the train network it needs