5 ways to support your favourite musicians and local music scene in 2025
Feel free to add your own suggestions to this 🧵
Feel free to add your own suggestions to this 🧵
• buy a ticket to an upcoming show
• or set a reminder to buy a ticket on your next pay day
• join their mailing list
• bookmark their listings page
• follow them online
🔎 You can click on the album on streaming or look them up on Discogs
Follow those labels online and join their mailing list
Set random reminders to browse their Bandcamp for acts you’re not familiar with
• treat yourself to some merch (or set a payday reminder to)
• goto their social feeds to engage with and share their recent posts to help them cut through in the algo
• join their mailing list
• check the acts listings and grab a ticket to a show within travel distance
• sign up to their Patreon or see if you can make a small donation
• sign up to their show alerts on BandsInTown and Songkick
• subscribe to their social channels to get more music in your feeds
• set a payday reminder to become a paid newsletter / pod supporter
• treat your to a magazine subscription
• boost independent media online
If you’re skint, spending 10 mins a day actively looking at pages and signal boosting social posts can make a huge difference
Buying tickets in advance really helps the entire music ecosystem
Try 8 small local ones, or 4 small local ones and a medium one.
Your enjoyment hit rate will be higher for sure, and you can say you saw that next act when they were small.
Here’s one to add to the list:
Speak with the band after their live set. Let them know you enjoyed it. Thank them for putting the effort in to create a show.
A little bit of after-gig gratitude goes a long way, particularly if they are on a small venues tour.