Bokuto is strangely still, as he almost never is.
His face remains rigid and hard, but inside there is total shock, an explosion in his heart, millions of neural connections taking place in his brain.
Bokuto is strangely still, as he almost never is.
His face remains rigid and hard, but inside there is total shock, an explosion in his heart, millions of neural connections taking place in his brain.
Akaashi and he'd travel together on the train back home, sometimes they'd go with the rest of the team and other times, when they stayed to train for extra time, it'd just be the two of them.
The younger boy had mentioned how tiring the week had been, filled with homework and practice.
Bokuto remembered seeing him yawn a few times during lunch and rub his eyes before training, and yet Akaashi had agreed to stay longer to practice with him!
He turned to look at him, making sure not to make any unnecessary movements. Akaashi looked... so peaceful. Bokuto couldn't remember seeing Akaashi's face this close before, so much so that he could see how long and dark his eyelashes were.
Akaashi was so pretty. Bokuto knew it, he had noticed it, he'd have to be blind not to.
The train stopped at Bokuto's station, it was his turn to get off and continue his way home.