A little bat draws near! (She's now wearing an oversized horned helmet and has finger painted the words 'BOSS BATLE' on her shirt...)
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paint and the brushes 💜 🏳⚧
A little bat blocks your path!
👽 i still got teef to bite yu wiv so watch what yu say 🫵
(pat pat pat)
[Paint] is defeated.
You receive 500 XP!
ACTION ➡️ Inventory
TOROTH attempted to strike!
*bonk bonk bonk*
...and then the helmet falls off by itself because it's too big, at which point she takes a bonk between the ears, flails about, and falls to the ground in the most overdramatic way possible.
[Paint] is defeated.
You receive 500 XP!
Ooh! Oooh! Do I get to be the ferocious boss monster now? With, um, like lotsa forms. Ooh, and a choir singing in Latin, yeah!
Uh. Uh. HECK yeah.
*they but on the helmet, which... mostly? fits over headspikes. they sing a ridiculous overdramamtic tune, occasionally bursting into random latin. and then just random deli meats* Prepare for my ultimate attack!
(they ARE a dagon, after all)
>"Can you even see with thst hat on?"
>Worries for the vision of the bat.
"I don't need EYES 🕺 to SEE YOU 💃 'cos imma bat!"
"Oh! You're pointing your ears at me cause you can hear me! That makes sense!"
>He stances up to battle!
"Well if you wanna dance, then let's do it! You choose the song this time!"
Once the song was over it was as simple as holding his hands towards Paint and cheering:
"High Ten!"
Friendship wins every time! 😎
Paint has joined your party!