Reading requires your full attention, listening to an audio book I'm usually doing other shit as I'm listening, definitely not the same in my opinion. But still books are good, regardless the level of involvement.
The reason why reading is respected is that we're learning new things or looking at the world from a different perspective. This is accomplished whether we're reading the text ourselves or listening to it. The right narrator can transform a work into something magical; rare with AI voices.
Or while exercising, or cleaning, or showering, or relaxing or mowing the grass, etc 🤓 honestly I love the physical reading more but there are too many reasons to list why audiobooks are awesome. Plus Kate Reading and Michael Kramer. Iykyk
Anyone who’s ever listened to an audiobook knows that it’s not like listening to a podcast. If you own out for 10 seconds, there’s no way you can catch up and figure out what was going on. You have to actively listen 👂🏼
I read a couple of audiobooks every week
While I am now loosing my sight, I started reading in this way as I often found I absorbed more of the text hearing a good reader speaking the text.
I know that some folks think it's cheating, but would they say that if I were blind?
I’d agree if it is a simple reading- but so many are slightly dramatised which affects our own interpretation. Anyway it’s not a competition - absorbing the words is the important bit… #booksky
There is nothing I love more @ bedtime then settling in & listening to an audiobook to fall asleep to.The only thing is to check out how narrator sounds because it can make or break a book.I always sample it before purchasing.A good one can enhance a mediocre book & a bad 1 can kill a good 1.
I got to a place where I was so mentally exhausted from working all the time I stopped reading weirs as it may sound to some people it was just to much effort.
I started listening to audio books finally and it was a game changer.
When I did office cleaning I listened to a junk-ton of audiobooks and still listen to them from time to time. I would say audiobooks are part of a tradition even older and more ancient than books, oral storytelling. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, a story is a story.
For myself, If I’m reading a book, I’m also underlining and taking notes etc. it’s an interactive thing. Audiobooks are a far more passive experience. They’re both great. For people who can or chose to only do audio-what do you do to make it an interactive experience?
I wonder, too. I seem to need visible text. May be why lectures never got the point across with me as well as reading. Sometimes I itch to just read the transcripts of podcasts because I know I can absorb it faster. I don't take in verbal info very well.
I started listening to audiobooks because I have carpal tunnel & holding books, especially in bed, is difficult. I listen to at least 3 a week. I love them but a good narrator makes all the difference, I’ve stopped books because the narrator annoyed me which would never happen with a physical book.
when you can follow the 160+ hrs of "The Civil War: a narrative" by Shelby Foote, and keep 50+ Military Commanders in detailed descriptions of dozens of battles in your head,..and follow on the maps you've studied beforehand, in your head..books become sorta moot...encumbrances to mobility.
"The Second World War" by Antony Beevor is 37 hours,..and it spans the Globe,..I use it to sleep by I've listened to it so many times. I listen to 0 fiction. "The Battle for Spain" by Beevor was the toughest, most confusing slog..but I can follow the maps now, without looking.
Learning about the War in Spain was very enlightening/ made George Orwell's "Homage to Catalonia", where he fought and was wounded in that war, make well as the book and movie "For Whom the Bell Tolls" Hemmingway.
I don't..but, I have jumped out of bed at 3am to go check a map, to figure out where we're going, what stream we crossed, etc..and, the South has like 5 General Lees, besides R.E.Lee. it's my bedtime story, when Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich get's overbearing. I own no TV..I loathe the things.
Agreed … I find it hard to concentrate reading but an audiobook will keep my attention and I get into the book straight away . I love audio books, from reading hardly any books to listening to over 300+ within the year 🙌🏾✨💚
The real challenge is if you listen while in bed and you fall asleep without a timer on.
While I am now loosing my sight, I started reading in this way as I often found I absorbed more of the text hearing a good reader speaking the text.
I know that some folks think it's cheating, but would they say that if I were blind?
I started listening to audio books finally and it was a game changer.
On the topic. Thank you