Women won't be safe until Trans people are.
Trans people won't be safe until all queer people are.
Queer people won't be safe until Black people and POC are.
Black people and POC won't be safe until disabled people are.
Disabled people won't be safe until we start doing our part as an ally for✨all✨
Trans people won't be safe until all queer people are.
Queer people won't be safe until Black people and POC are.
Black people and POC won't be safe until disabled people are.
Disabled people won't be safe until we start doing our part as an ally for✨all✨
We just need to support each other. This isn't an us vs you vs you vs them fight.
This is an ALL OF US vs them fight, & we can't fight with each other at the same time, & then expect them to listen.