They are in a race with CNN to see who can get to zero readers/viewers first.
Reposted from
Katie Phang
What is going on with the LA Times?! Scott Jennings on its editorial board?!
(With the exception on Laurence and Rachel), the hosts are all on board to crash the networks…
Fine by me, I don’t waste my time on them anymore. Too many other good sources out there.
The incoming administration is going to do everything possible to break their backs and replace them with actual “fake news.”
Musk has discussed his Asperger, use of prescription ketamine for depression and his aspirations to “preserve the light of consciousness” by colonizing Mars. Or “preserve human consciousness” with Starship.
Why aren’t we discussing how we are subjected to his gifts and challenges
What they fail to realize is that FOX isn’t popular because it features conservative opinions. It’s popular because it spreads lies that demonize “others.”
quit cnn, lat, nyt, wapo too
This is basically what CNN admitted to and has been doing.
Now look at, they completely shifted. “know your value” right?
He's MAGA.
Great Burn I rate that a 10!!
It isn't much and it won't hurt anybody?
but meidas is in the same gang as muellershewrote and the rest of the bluemaga providing cover for pelosi's idiot shame-based approach to law enforcement. people seem to like them but i dont realy trust them who used to be on msnbc and is actually presents a better version of his broadcast show (and he helps dogs!) for my diddy trial fix and entertainment in general (tisa tells)
Max V productions (diddy trial and other rap things)
for legal news i like "that surprise witness" aka "BJ investigates"= her documentary channel
these are people in their own homes w no idiot gadflies (neal katyal) gaslight
Luke beasley for progressive takes
i havent been doing too much politics because im fatigued w that subject
any subject u can imagine has a perfectly produced series of independent broadcasters hyper focusing. from legos to progressive music
all of it better than broadcast because they're authentic
i feel like when i landed at blue sky.
I remember when CNN was the place to go to for news!
Seems a century ago!
If you gotta have them still cancel but sign up for free through your local library.
Wtf are they doing. He's like a pariah.
Who in the heck is watching news.
I just go to Olbermann for the beatings.
I do drop into MSNBC but have yet to sit through a whole show on SiriusXM. I just Maddow to stand up, scream, and quit.
The snarky Christo-Fascist prick who's hoping beyond hope that his fantasy world is falling into place.
The LA Times was my paper for many decades too, even after I moved I had it digitally. Dropped it
What journalistc standards are they following? Who's funding their content?
If you have to do research on each one, do we really think the population at large will do that work?
Problem is, people who are Center or Right would see them and be very skeptical or just reject them.
I think, which aggregates sources across the spectrum might give us a better chance to find common ground.
That is why Fox "news" spent a year lying about the 2020 election being stolen and being sued for defamation. They would rather lie to their viewers than lose viewership to "news"max.
I believe we still need newspapers that follow journalistic standards with robust fact checking.
While some trad outlets aren't living up to that mark, we shouldn't be so quick to cheer their demise.
What level of propaganda are you willing to put up with before you walk away?
Because the level of propaganda I watched over the last 3 months from "trad outlets" was beyond unacceptable.
When it is later discovered that a guest lied to their viewers and are allowed back on the program without pointing out the previous lies it is propaganda.
A reasonable person speaks (read: a woman) and Jennings is 50% of the screen, smirking, rolling his eyes, doing his best Chris Cillaza face contortions so you don't hear anyone else's words
Just gross
These are businesses trying to sell to the most people. The "most people" who would spend money voted for Trump.
We have to win back ordinary Americans...have to.
Otis Chandler, the founder of the once great LA Times, must be turning over in his grave. The editorial standards that Chandler once prized is being turned into propaganda and foolishness. It will soon be the Epoch Times.