Another knee bent. Shameful.
Reposted from
SCOOP: Apple CEO Tim Cook will personally donate $1 million to Trump's inaugural committee.
He believes the inauguration is a great American tradition and is donating to the inauguration in the spirit of unity.
He believes the inauguration is a great American tradition and is donating to the inauguration in the spirit of unity.
But I CAN show you how corporations behave around dictators.
You're only half right
CNN showing a real time video of a disaster/war/hearing has value. I can't see that on 99% of the major digital channels.
That's the half u got right
"Trump puts the 'lie' in liege" he said under his breath.
Inauguration has nothing to do with it
Disappointing. The deal has been cut.
Cook obviously wants something big in return that will likely benefit his personal wealth tremendously.
If they liked Trump, they would put in more money, but they can’t put in less because it’s the minimum charge for pay-to-play.
Another phony
Otherwise, I would've responded, by saying, "Well, no shit."
These corporations are paying protection money to prevent Trump from gumming up their works.
But these old Solo 2s arent going to last much longer, and my next set definitely won't be Beats after this. Probably Sennheiser if I'm being honest
What’s that? Zero?
What will the annual dues be?
Greed is his creed.
Ergo . . .
It’s a way to throw parties & set limits for access to the president & vp. Just another way to buy influence.
Grifters gotta grift.
Boycott any companies who are kissing the ring.
You know who you're supporting.
You know who you're appeasing.
You know you lack a spine.
1) Martin Luther King Jr. day.
2) College Football National Championship that night.
And I agree damn him.
Like most narcissists, they live far longer than they deserve to.
Smart buying used! Good for the environment and your wallet!
To each their own 🌸
So much for brand loyalty.
My laptop died and my iPhone is old.
Goodbye to Apple, customer since 1982 when I bought my II C computer.
Is there an American company not connected to oligarchs?
I now want to throw all my 🍎 products at a Tesla
Last iPad 😬