He will end up like Hitler, Mussolini, King Charles 1, Hussein, and Bin Laden. I hope his face is devoured by a fungus starting with his stupid and abusive mouth.
For a guy who spent his entire life branding his name, it's almost amusing that when his reign is short lived,his name will be worthless and his grave a urinal for future generations to visit.
At this point: die standing and fighting or die on your knees starving, while your kids starve and your loved ones starve and everything around you burns.
Death is not the worst of evils, as the saying goes.
ABUSE OF POWERS - DEMS HOLD EMERGENCY SOTU&/or National TownHall-all districts 1 day or consec.days- make case to Americans for treason & removal of attackers on CONSTITUTION - list all laws being broken - WRECKING CREW IS FAST,WE CAN’T SEE ALL HARMS - ORGANIZATION & FOCUS NOW -AS IN TODAY!!SOS!!!🇺🇸🗽
Well, that's what happens when vote for a criminal fascist pig who supports another criminal fascist pig, Putin the Poisoner who poisoned his democratic rival, Navlny! Need to be as brave as Navlny. Have it in ya!
The IRS is being turned into a weapon as we breathe. The nominee for the agency will take orders and execute them. Confiscation of property, and forced bankruptcy, of foes is as satisfying a revenge to Trump as imprisonment - and a much lower bar to clear when you control the data bases
I think more people who are closer to the data and any way of deep scrutiny, should question whether we will have midterm elections. Will some states refuse to submit their election data in order to invalidate the entire election process.
Yep, I said that a long time ago. He will jail the useful to reprogram and kill the others. Broke, sick and homeless Americans will do anything he says. All part of our internal war.
it is time the WORLD’S democratic leaders step up and destroy fascism once again!
The must use the surveillance intel on trump and Putin we all know they have to crush trumps fascist regime for good!
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Will he wear a suit tonight, or a new uniform, with the military marching into the congress!?! Would he? Probably not, butttttt, it wouldn't surprise me!!!!
We need absolute commitment from every member of the military that we personally know, that they will be loyal to the Constitution and not the Criminal
All Veterans who can should be speaking out NOW reminding current AD of their jobs and those that came before them, and the SACRIFICES made to protect the country.
Those weapons are not to go after their own people at the whims of a traitor,dictator or the enemy.
Absolutely, he is setting all the stages for it, starting with televised "negotiations" and changing those in charge of the military. In the meantime pod casters and faux news commentators take over crucial institutions of power in our system.
Nice to see that whole, 3 co-equal branches of government concept our forefathers dreamed up is working out just fine. Foolproof, "what could possibly go wrong?" they reportedly said.
Sedition and Insurrection are legal in the USA now. So get the Governors to Secede.
You are all acting like the Rule of law still exists in the USA. The USA is DEAD unless you take drastic action. Your President is a Putin owned Puppet.
Mr. Elias, can you PLEASE take over the DNC??? Schumer, Jeffries and Pelosi are sleeping on the wheel!!! Please sue the hell out of trump and his gang of megamorons!!!!
It would be hard to do too. So many states have had such lax gun laws, all you would have to do is “I sold those privately ten years ago dude” many states don’t require registration, or for stores to keep sales records.
I were someone looking to buy one, I’d find someone from one of those states
House to house searches for guns under a national security label. Anyone not in his newly formalised militias, e.g., the Proud Boys, to be imprisoned if found in possession of any firearm.
You know, the very thing that the Republicans have been saying the Democrats would do.
If he attacks well then wasn’t it him that said : ones who save America commits no crime. I guess he makes the laws so Go Blue!!! We will commit no crimes…..
"he began telling me about how he had asked a number of people for help after his latest bankruptcy and how five of them were unwilling to help. He told me he was going to spend the rest of his life destroying these five people."
Agree. That is why Zelenskyy can never agree to a public apology. Trump would see it as a weakness and prey on it. Trump would never accept an apology, just hurtful revenge. IMO
It’s called Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD). You see it in small kids more often. If you read the description it fits his behavior to a T! What’s unusual is someone at his age still having it so strongly. It is actually in a word, odd.
The blue states should be banding together, like NATO, to confront Trump's threats. Bullies can only thrive when they can isolate an individual from the pack. Collectively the blue states provide most of the federal budget. That's power...if they use it.
The main goal of any authoritarian ruler is to keep their opponents scared and quiet to ensure their stay in power with no challenge. The main enemy of a dictator is his own People.
@senatedemocrats.bsky.social @housedemocrats.bsky.social The door to Act, not respond, To Act-is closing. You need to get out of the “how will we respond” to “how do we act now to stop this” mode, because there won’t be an ability to respond. Act now-waiting to respond is going to get people killed
He is only satisfied when he destroys those who oppose him. In his mind, Zelenskyy got him impeached. Look what he’s doing. He destroyed careers of Liz Cheney and Adam Kinsinger and many others. Now he’s working on destroying the country. He must be stopped.
Sounds like he’s using Putin’s strategies after replacing Yeltsin. One person who receives little coverage is Roman Abramovich. He’s had major influence in international oil & gas trade. The European Union has banned him from traveling into its 27 member states.
It’s long past time for a #GeneralStrikeUS
Thought we’d have 6 months, not 6 weeks until a collapse
He also won’t think twice, because he’s not a bright person. He’s a deranged narcissist.
Death is not the worst of evils, as the saying goes.
And from what I have read and have experienced firsthand, it appears to be more prevalent in males.
The must use the surveillance intel on trump and Putin we all know they have to crush trumps fascist regime for good!
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One eye Willie, cross eye John and a squirrel hunter was nothing but a myrtle story.
Why would we NOT believe him?
The entire Republican party is trying to dismantle the last guardrail in their way.
Find these court rooms, these hearings and attend them to show your support for the constitution.
Just sayin'
Those weapons are not to go after their own people at the whims of a traitor,dictator or the enemy.
You are all acting like the Rule of law still exists in the USA. The USA is DEAD unless you take drastic action. Your President is a Putin owned Puppet.
That will be interesting
I were someone looking to buy one, I’d find someone from one of those states
You know, the very thing that the Republicans have been saying the Democrats would do.
The last month has been nothing but retribution.
We now have two choices. Live free or kneel to your MAGA king like a slave.
Color? Gender? Race? Immigrant? Rural? Urban? Worker? Boss? Poor? Rich? Red? Blue? Your flag is one of these.
I know which one is mine.
Dissenters will be cutomarily executed with anti aircrat kit.
Pam Blondi loves to see executions.
Ghandi, MLK etc. There’s always a leader. Just like tRump leads his Nazi party
My question Mark is who will lead this very necessary, uprising against this fascist regime?