It’s another setback for Trump’s goal of expanding presidential power over independent federal agencies that Congress designed to operate without direct control from the White House.
You guys are doing great
The only question is, what will dems do when SCOTUS confirms this?
Will they support and defend the constitution?
Or will there be another summer of looting liquor stores & stealing flatscreens?
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
It seemed clear to me that this was illegal, so why did they do it?
Are they just throwing shit on the wall and hope it sticks? Can they not be punished for trying since they cause so much havoc?
If there is no deterrent...then why would they stop?
Presidents can't break laws because the SCOTUS pretty much declared it.
This is the way. One small victory after another. Together we can do this.
We have to get rid of trump.
"Trump violated federal law..."
Didn’t their Orange Jesus appoint her?
#Email: [email protected]
#Luxembourg #Singapore #Ireland #Qatar #Bermuda #Norway #UAE#Switzerland #CaymanIslands #Macao #USA #Sweden #Austria #Belgium #Australia #Finland #Canada #France
But, there's an eerie silence coming from DEM congress, not at all unlike GOP congress. That ain't good...
Who will enforce compliance?
If he has one more Jack and Coke he might order an airstrike on her house
Take out a few of trump's 'obedience boys'!
*some*concern over *repeated* and
*plainly illegal* attempts at establishing and consolidating a f🤬king autocracy
but you would be wrong.
Now how will the judge ensure enforcement?
Res ipsa Loquitur ⚖️
TODAY!🇺🇸 12-4pm
Let's remember that going forward and work for accessibility to all.,who%20work%20in%20STEM%20areas.
Hey Dems! You are the labor party in this country and labor is under attack. Focus on issues for working people! The richest Robber Barons in this country are suing to get rid of the NLRB.
Pass the PRO Act… the corprotacracy will be fine, I promise.
(Should go without saying, but I watched Dem/Slotkin response to Mango Mussolini SOTU.