Would it be possible to file a class action lawsuit against the tariffs on BYD cars based on infringing American's rights to freely purchase the highest quality autos available?
If we could purchase EV's better than Tesla for half the price, Elon Musk's financial empire would be destroyed.
I am in the most hostile state in the union I confront everyone that shares with me any false or misinformation and it does not go well ever. But keep doing it. That is the help you will get from me.
"I've been so angry lately I've been getting into really big arguments with myself. It got so bad yesterday my left arm punched me right on the nose and I had to walk down to the clinic."
Please share!Make this go viral! We have to step up our game because our representatives are clearly not going to save us from this fast movingcoup! The only thing we really can do that's nonviolent is slow production. Cost them money. Don't get fired. Don't hurt anyone. But do more where youcan
This is what it feels like to be f*#'d by #45/47. One day is tariffs on, then off, federal employees fired then some rehired, then its Panama and then Greenland. Then it's rename the Gulf, rename Alaska. Left with a mess, no idea what happened, not feelin' good. Only 1 guy happy.
We stand at our own Edmund Pettus Bridge, while democracy bleeds and its so-called guardians wave protest signs like paddles at a silent auction for our rights.
Resolve now—cross, resist, fight—because history won’t remember who held the signs, only who had the courage to march through the fire!
I was about to, truly, right up until I read your post about “wasting our time” demanding action from Democratic leaders instead of yelling at Republicans. Maybe in a week or so, when I’m calm and can separate your important legal work from your condescending attitude.
It takes only 3.5% of a country’s population to overthrow a tyrant.
#AMERICA it’s time to MARCH against fascism,& the destruction of our country. Visibility is critical. We must show the world we are NOT NAZIS.
#womensmarch #internationalwomensday #AMERICA #MARCH #tosaveourcountry #fightfascism
I hope that the Democratic Party is setting up a Communication Agency in order to counter the lies, fake news and distorted interpretation of facts that fill the social media.
They shouldn't be prey of far-right agencies but one should inundate them with truths.
Trump is fast dismantling the free press. We all have to stop him.
Dana Milbank
It’s part of a broader crackdown on the civil liberties of those who disagree with the president. https://wapo.st/3Dq7VU1
that's nice. But trying to do so would end in him not being impeached, and in fact it would probably embolden him more. If that is the ace everyone expects the Ds to play... they haven't been paying attention. Also, if by some miracle he did get impeached, you'd still have Vance and the rest.
Will you please help me get this URGENT message out?
Copy and post this entire text every place you can.
We won't be beat, we'll put our feet in the street.
We build a movement together!
I think if I subscribed to everyone I wanted to, I would have to live on cheese and crackers, minus the wine. Plus, I get the added bonus of paying in US currency. Anyone want to see the disparity in that transaction? LOL
Everyone with a platform:
PLEASE help INFORM the people of all real & tangible action they can take as part of the resistance, as part of the FIGHT against the dystopian trumPutian regime!
The upcoming 14th NowMarch needs to be HUGE!!
Veterans will be attending, as should EVERYONE who can get there.
If we could purchase EV's better than Tesla for half the price, Elon Musk's financial empire would be destroyed.
There is no public record or evidence to suggest that Zelenskyy wrote to Trump after the meeting to say he wanted to come back.
Al Prazolam.
The Socialist Program with Brian Becker: Lenin and the Path to Revolution [Part 2]
Episode webpage: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesocialistprogram/episodes/Lenin-and-the-Path-to-Revolution-Part-2-e2imt99
Media file: https://anchor.fm/s/35d1dba4/podcast/play/85734121/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2024-3-22%2F55c448b7-fa80-6114-c547-73bc09ec3d0d.mp3
Resolve now—cross, resist, fight—because history won’t remember who held the signs, only who had the courage to march through the fire!
Let's get started.
#AMERICA it’s time to MARCH against fascism,& the destruction of our country. Visibility is critical. We must show the world we are NOT NAZIS.
#womensmarch #internationalwomensday #AMERICA #MARCH #tosaveourcountry #fightfascism
They shouldn't be prey of far-right agencies but one should inundate them with truths.
#onlyfans #sexy #sex #streaming #teen #ass #tits #boobs #nude #nsfw #pussy #ass #porn #hardcore #bigdick #rough
Dana Milbank
It’s part of a broader crackdown on the civil liberties of those who disagree with the president.
Copy and post this entire text every place you can.
We won't be beat, we'll put our feet in the street.
We build a movement together!
(Then continue after it’s not.)
PLEASE help INFORM the people of all real & tangible action they can take as part of the resistance, as part of the FIGHT against the dystopian trumPutian regime!
The upcoming 14th NowMarch needs to be HUGE!!
Veterans will be attending, as should EVERYONE who can get there.
The 14th NowMarch protest will be a good place & time to PUSH on them to ACT once and for all!!!