“Elias Law Group will not be deterred from fighting for democracy in court. There will be no negotiation with this White House about the clients we represent or the lawsuits we bring on their behalf."
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Why has no judge appointed an independent, special master to evaluate and report on 1) actions taken by the appointed rogue personnel of an agency (DOGE, et. al.; 2) whether they have proper security clearance; 3) whether the TRO’s are being implemented; 4) the degree of data breaches?
You’ve configured to block access from my country, presumably because of GDPR. Why do you need to harvest my personal data and sell it to the highest bidder in order to “fight for democracy”?
Mad respect for your strength of character & unflinching support of our constitution. It takes huge courage to do what you’re doing. You are a gift and a treasure sir 💙
@marcelias.bsky.social and his law firm are the unequivocal leader when it comes to defending democracy. They have successfully defended or defeated well over 60 lawsuits protecting democracy and are just getting started.
They will be front and center defending our rights before SCOTUS.
💯💪👋👋 Thank You!!! We are all out here, standing right next to you guys, in support of your heroic efforts to save all of us! Cheers to our nation's lawyers and judges!! We salute you!
Have followed that closely. That's stopping him from shutting it down altogether in response to the decision on accessing data. There needs to be a suit stopping them from firing staff and closing specific offices.
We just need the judges now to hold them in contempt and keep holding them and the file a bar complaint against the license. Although if Trump pardons them we screwed. None the less consequences and follow through needs to happen now more than ever
MSN Copilot says," the President has the power to pardon criminal contempt of federal courts, as established in the case Ex parte Grossman. However, civil contempt, which is meant to enforce compliance with court orders, is generally not pardonable."
Well aware of that order. It's from a different lawsuit - the one that is supposed to prevent them from accessing our data. There are two other egregious moves DOGE has announced - firings and shutting down physical locations. That's different than shutting down the agency.
Remember dRump 1.0 "I love 'acting'." Because most of his appointees couldn't get jobs on the janitorial crew, much less pass through a Senate confirmation. Those were the good old days.
Yes!! My "fave" was Chad Wolf, Former Acting US Secretary of Homeland Security under trump 1.0. He's someone Portlanders will remember from the 2020 #GeorgeFloydProtests.
Wolf got smacked down by the courts. His appointment was illegal, and so were the orders he gave.
In July, 2020, Chad Wolf met w/ his Border Security guards wearing camo w/ no identifiable markings, inside the Hatfield Federal Courthouse in Portland, OR. Their mandate was to protect the block surrounding the courthouse.
The article below tells how they exceeded their mandate. OR AG sued, too.
"Fed agents from (DHS) were deployed in Portland on approx July 4, 2020, purportedly to “protect federal property.” It soon became clear, however, that their mission was much broader and that their tactics went far beyond permissible law enforcement behavior." https://protectdemocracy.org/work/dont-shoot-portland-v-wolf-2/
Marc, are you aware of any efforts to document and track those entities (like Columbia and Paul Weiss) that have decided to knuckle under to pressure and collaborate or cooperate with the administration?
It seems like we need to impose a social cost on collaborating, to make it an easier decision for those who are easily cowed to at least have *something* to put in the “con” column.
Would you consider a class action suit on behalf of senior and veterans against trump and musk and assorted republicans? I'm thinking 4 trillion dollars as the initial target amount. 🤔
Hell yeah!! Now that is what we need more of. Backbone, unlike so many CEOs and politicians. Standing up to these clowns is the only way to defeat them!
It’s truly frightening to see our president actively attacking our judiciary in this manner. I never thought I would be looking at lawyers and hoping for bravery (no disrespect intended - it’s not typically up to attorneys to be the brave ones).
Work with ELECTIONTRUTHALLIANIANCE.ORG .. their statistics show that the presidential election has huge irregularities in 'swing' States. Please look at their statistical evaluations.
I'd say "Fuck him up", but that sounds kinda rude and vulgar. So I'll keep it more civil. "Screw him up his ass so far he'll have to wear his diapers on his mouth." There, that sounds better.
And American Censorship is loud and proud about you not being able to read this statement at source. This is the second time today I needed to use my camera to read something, the first was the cooking instructions of an Aldi Mac 'n' Cheese printed in 2 point font.
I'm Cdn fan and just want to tell you how proud we are of you. Please be careful. They've got some really dangerous people willing to do harm to good people like you fighting the good fight.
Marc, I stand with you and Elias Law Group! Its disgusting for Trump to be whining about accountability! You are a champion of our constitutional democracy. Keep fighting!
This last decade has become increasingly surreal in ways that have made me glad that I accepted the "unbelievable" as plausible decades ago, which has allowed me to maintain the same morality despite the shifting of goalposts that have lead many to put party above principles and..../1
Marc's web admins have configured their Amazon hosting for https://elias.law to reject conections from outside US. This is inconsiderate to US voters and other concerned parties who live outside the US.
Nonetheless, Marc should shift his hosting to a non-Amazon owned facility.
no worries. It doesn't appear to be anything nefarious by Amazon webhosting (which is pretty much the biggest hosting facility on the planet fwiw). Should be fixable with a small config change by Marc's web admin/s.
I have so much respect for you. It's easy to sit in the UK and say I'd stand up to Trump but I'm not there. You are and you are a hero for doing the right thing. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Judges in the country are showing Trump he was elected, not coronated. So now he is going after attorneys. Thank you for holding the line! Republicans in Congress are useless.
Quit laying this on Trump solely, it is the republicans. They’re all part of it. It’s all of them. It’s the Republican administration. It’s years of heritage, federalist society, the Fellowship, Tanton, and evangelicals. It’s the republicans.
Did I? While I can't find even one redeeming quality in Trump, I believe the Republican party has been laying the groundwork for this mess for decades with their open distain for the poor, for example. There's more I can list, but space is limited. I'm aware there is plenty of blame to go around.
The question every American needs to be asking, if there were an election and Trump loses power in 4 years. What would be the legal repercussions for his supporters. So why would they risk elections they might lose.
No, the Republicans in Congress should all be deported to deserted islands with their billionaire owners, Drumpf, and the rest of the American Nazis collaborating with them. They can have all the lawlessness and kings they want - but they would never be able to damage humanity again.
Thank you Marc Elias to you & your law firm. It means the world knowing you’re standing up to this criminal administration. I understand it can be tough & a bit scary for some but we need people to be strong & fight back. Much of what they’re doing is illegal & they need to be held accountable.
I keep saying “Thank you, Marc,” and you keep deserving our undying gratitude. Please stay safe. I worry about you. I know Trump would love to send you to El Salvador. Don’t give him an excuse.
I hope you can continue to resist and fight these stupid, hateful men and women who are out to replace democracy with a dictatorship.
The pressures must be great. If the media companies, law firms and universities that are being targeted could somehow join together that might make it easier.
They will be front and center defending our rights before SCOTUS.
Karp is disgusting. It's stunning to me to learn what craven dishonorable cowards these people in high places are.
It's creepy and disturbing that it's an auto connect in my brain.
So, if NOT "compliant w/ court orders...."
(As an aside, an "acting" govt official isn't confirmed & doesn't have the same powers. I don't know if that's in play here.)
Wolf got smacked down by the courts. His appointment was illegal, and so were the orders he gave.
The article below tells how they exceeded their mandate. OR AG sued, too.
Thank you. For my kids
Because what was ment to protect Democracy failed allready
Strange - never happened before…
Nonetheless, Marc should shift his hosting to a non-Amazon owned facility.
I admire their courage...
This is EXACTLY what Hitler did.
Two months after being elected.
The pressures must be great. If the media companies, law firms and universities that are being targeted could somehow join together that might make it easier.