2. mannerisms, habits, quirks?
haven’t really thought about this one but she does tend to pet her wildfire spirit, a fiery cat named miko, when she’s not doing anything with her hands! he sits on her shoulders most of the time :)
haven’t really thought about this one but she does tend to pet her wildfire spirit, a fiery cat named miko, when she’s not doing anything with her hands! he sits on her shoulders most of the time :)
among the party, she specializes in fire-based and healing spells, especially scorching ray and cure wounds! she only uses conjure animals in times of severe danger. notably, she was the party’s only revivify user for a while :)
emi uses basically only magic, and as mentioned in the last post, she specializes in fire & healing magic and fighting from a distance! her healing magic can be described as feeling almost uncomfortably warm in one’s chest c:
well it all started in a tavern (no, seriously) -
the group formed by taking odd jobs for the local adventurer’s guild, and she’s stuck around ever since!
initially, emi wanted to experience life outside her sheltered home village, and then Things Kept Happening and now they’ve discovered they’re part of a prophecy uh oh-
she also feels a sense of dedication and a debt owed to this group. she can’t leave yet :’)
i wouldn’t say she necessarily has a favorite, but as a player i think her relationship with ardric is interesting! they’re parallel characters who clash often :) also, her relationships with the girls (ave, advena, & olivia) are interesting & i wanna explore them more :3
wasn’t sure about this one myself so i asked a few of my friends - she tends to be a voice of reason/a pillar within the group who’s very stubborn about her beliefs & makes them consider different perspectives :3 it’s hard to put her in one specific role though!