13. what is one thing your character has lied about?
…oh boy what HASN’T she lied about /j if anything, emi tends to lie by omission! she didn’t tell the party that she had become a cleric at first, nor did she tell them about a vivid hallucination that was a precursor to an attack on her home lmao
…oh boy what HASN’T she lied about /j if anything, emi tends to lie by omission! she didn’t tell the party that she had become a cleric at first, nor did she tell them about a vivid hallucination that was a precursor to an attack on her home lmao
at the moment, yes (she can bring people back from death, who wouldn’t feel powerful after that?) but she always seeks more power to protect those she cares about c:
she’s known she’s an important person since childhood; her mother is the leader of their village & her grandma is an archdruid. she just didn’t think she, specifically, would become important independent of her family if that makes sense?
love means loyalty to one person above all else, who she trusts completely and she’d give up the world for (although she hasn’t necessarily found that person yet :3)
she also has a deep love for her family, her people, and her adventuring party in a familial sense :D
hate means snarky comments and sometimes anger, but it’s almost always a defense mechanism for emi :’) it’s dangerous and has threatened to destroy her relationships more than once, but it’s easier to push people away when they already don’t like you, right?
this question spawned a whole discussion and an AU about how emi could become evil if she was raised by the bbeg (a family member), not to mention the eldritch horrors connected to her so. yes. yes she could be evil
19. does she believe in fate?
i don’t think she did at first, but as the campaign has progressed and there’s been a whole prophecy about her and her group and things keep happening that can’t be coincidences, i think she slowly does come to believe in it!