I predict that a lot of political YouTube channels that pull against the establishment will in the coming months gain a lot of attention.
Both right and left.
Because people are so genuinely sick of the establishment failing them they'll take anything else.
Both right and left.
Because people are so genuinely sick of the establishment failing them they'll take anything else.
the cumservative machine is in the very precarious between having to justify trumpo invading every neighbouring border and that the gays are the real menace, nobody gonna rock the boat
banking too much into the probable trumpo v muck debacle will bring disappointment cause whoever wins is bad
Because this is how we get the alt-right.
Their definition of "the establishment" includes those with the least amount of power in society, like public school teachers and trans people.
It's the second group that concerns me.
It takes a lot of work, time, and effort to drag the overton window back to the left or even closer to center.. like, decades of keeping right-wing out of power amounts of time.. and peope dont like that..
Meanwhile the folks helming the platforms will keep tweaking the algorithm & TOS to chase 'engagement'. Folks should read up on Meta/Facebook's complicity in the Rohingya genocide.