Billions of dollars are spent by the oligarchy to divide and conquer the lower classes by pitting them against each other, often using the most vulnerable as scapegoats.
All part of the propaganda and gaslighting plan that has been operating for decades. Another concept is "omission". You don't know what they don't tell you. We need strong, independent, investigative journalists.
The US is the only place on Earth where poor people would rather hate other people than eat, be healthy, make more money, work safer jobs, and be smarter.
Because being smarter am hard. 🤣
And non-informed on important points of gov. Such as USC 14.3 which prevents an insurrectionist from holding fed office. It's the Constitution and it is self executing.
Apparently Congress is willing to turn a blind eye. If so, we have lost our democracy, Constitution, and freedom.
It's actually because they're poorly educated with racist tendancies. That's at the heart of most of their decision-making processes as they've been brainwashed to believe that black & brown people who ARE willing to work hard are responsible for their lack of opportunities.They're lazy hillybillys
YUP, poor people don't vote, too much trouble for them. However, they get delivery from fast-food chains - pay the delivery fee and a tip! Save your money and move into the middle class!
It seems to me many people have accepted it by voting for Trump. We are going to have to do everything we can to resist the USA becoming a Russian state. I just hope there are enough of us who love democracy.
Me too. If we are able to regain control over our democracy, I think Job #1 will be to get rid of corporate funding of political campaigns. Also to make the Supreme Court apolitical, as it was originally intended.
The rich love the uneducated, that's why the GOP specifically targeted young men of ALL ethnicities because they are the largest group of uneducated ppl in the country. Easy to manipulate
Many Americans are poorly educated & lazy, preferring to listen & follow what they hear on TV instead of actually seeking the truth, aka critical thinking. The Republican playbook: Keep Them Dumb (Republican voters live in states with the worst education).
I disagree.
Nothing is easy, the hoops one must jump through can deter you from the goal.
Many have to take care of themselves which means they have to work.
Picking up shifts at the restaurant, studying on your breaks, oh and that flat tire.
Life has so many obstacles. Could you make it w/o help?
If Congress doesn't enforce USC 24.3, we will have authoritarian rule. There are 13 billionaires in Trump's cabinet. They will suck us dry.
Because being smarter am hard. 🤣
Apparently Congress is willing to turn a blind eye. If so, we have lost our democracy, Constitution, and freedom.
But it's a two party system and one party is a bunch of douchebags
As long as Left calls Right names and vice-versa, the Billionaires win.
Also, the reddest states have massive disenfranchisement issues.
Living in a poor state does not, by itself, make one poor.
Nothing is easy, the hoops one must jump through can deter you from the goal.
Many have to take care of themselves which means they have to work.
Picking up shifts at the restaurant, studying on your breaks, oh and that flat tire.
Life has so many obstacles. Could you make it w/o help?