The two empires were dominant forces at opposite ends of Eurasia, each expanding rapidly and reshaping the ancient world: Rome, powered by engineering and military prowess; China’s Han dynasty, making advancements in science and culture. (3/7)
But they were separated by more than distance. Kingdoms in between the ancient superpowers, such as the Parthians and Kushans, conspired to prevent them from interacting more. These powers wanted to maintain their role in controlling the trade routes connecting East and West. (4/7)
In 97 CE, Chinese General Ban Chao dispatched his envoy to reach Rome. However, he was persuaded to turn back before completing the journey. Roman records mention the arrival of envoys from the East, possibly China, during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius in 166 CE. (5/7)
Despite the limitations, trade between these empires was lucrative, with Chinese silk highly coveted in Rome, while Roman glassware and high-quality cloth found their way to China. Artifacts like Roman coins have been unearthed at Chinese archaeological sites. (6/7)
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