Do you normally decide who is right purely by who got the most upvotes?
If that’s the case, then you think Trump is right… right? 🤔
If that’s the case, then you think Trump is right… right? 🤔
I’m intelligent enough to know that it’s so complicated that neither of us is likely to have a fully informed opinion.
What I’m highlighting here is merely that the implication of the post is a logical fallacy.
Hamas’ slaughter of approximately 1200 civilians.
That Hamas hide from retribution by intermingling with the general population.
What is Israel supposed to do? Die off 1200 people at a time, as a result of terrorist attacks they can’t respond to?
I see horrific killing on both sides, and it seems like the sad inevitable outcome of permanent belief systems.
Retaliation to something like that was inevitable and justified.
And when Hamas chose to hide from retaliation amongst women/children, what could you expect?
Isn’t this clear to everyone who considers the situation rationally?