Key elements are, that:
A.) large numbers of Americans are incredibly naive.
B.) many know very little to nothing about politics.
C.) same about history.
D.) large numbers are not interested in politics at all.
E.) and don't vote.
F.) or have no clue who and what they are voting for.
A.) large numbers of Americans are incredibly naive.
B.) many know very little to nothing about politics.
C.) same about history.
D.) large numbers are not interested in politics at all.
E.) and don't vote.
F.) or have no clue who and what they are voting for.
If it survives that or what it looks like at the end of this, remains to be seen.
Right now there are plenty of dark clouds forming.
P.S. Did you just imply that 76 million Americans are naive?
No, I said so.
And I didn't limit it to being only 76 million either.
2. Only learning -either by education and or by suffering- overcomes naivity.
The "half" mentioned below is way to low.
Be honest. And write down immediately anything that comes to your mind.
You ll see the light! And im happy to discuss 😊
Because so far this has worked very well for the country.
And yet, the lifelong criminal and psycho with his gang of bandits wins.