To Add, all this is old news, ask Joel Greenberg.. opps you cant hes in prison... Singing like a...........Hummm, Coked up tommy gun.. Last dude I know knew to much, didnt even get to the "White boy you gonna suck that Black cock part. Its insidious, oooo did I mention, fuck X.
When we make enough noise maybe it can happen. We made enough noise to get him to drop out of consideration. Now we need others to drop out and we need the report!
All they do is suck each other's ass because that's their only form of nutrition anymore. I will believe until the day I die it's because every single one of them is on the Epstein report.
That's why the bill passed to protect the press, and its confidential informants are vital to democracy. Whistleblowers will out information like Old Faithful. They're already falling apart, and #MAGA hasn't even taken over yet. It's going to be a riot of laughter and pain...
They’re not gonna do that. Rumor has it, DeSantis is going to make him temporary senator of Florida when Rubio’s out and then Lara Trump will get the senator seat.
I admit I don't have the best memory, but this 70 yo doesn't remember an incoming administration even announcing nominees, much less conducting defacto confirmation hearings, before assuming power. Damn, the votes aren't even certified yet. And everyone acts like this is normal.
Step down to contain thee report.
Alternatively release the report & good luck with that.
Might as well let us all know the sordid details now.
Gaetz then gets to run for governor of Florida.