The wife of the Wisconsin kayaker who faked his own death so he could leave her and their two kids to flee to Eastern Europe and meet another woman filed for a legal separation today.
She cited that the marriage is “irretrievably broken.”
Ya think?
She cited that the marriage is “irretrievably broken.”
Ya think?
The "eastern european wife" mirage is a scam!
Yes, you get it...but is nothing like what you see in the movies or porneaux flicks! :)
It will forever be a mystery why these cowards can't just officially divorce their wives without faking their deaths? Seriously, no one needs your sorry ass if you aren't happy with me. Just go in peace.
Todo el show, para llegar al mismo punto
That’s just a Kayak Fact.
-- J.D. Vance, probably
As a child of a broken home, yeah, just rip the bandage off and get a divorce. Staying together doesn't help the children. It's torture for everyone.
Good for her!!👊