Ugh is all I can say. He should not smile that ugly fake teeth smile. Imagine McDonald cheeseburgers stuck in his teeth, Gross. Shut your pie-hole Donny.
He was right when he appointed the current FBI director?
He was right when he appointed general Kelly who said DT is a fascist?
He was right when he appointed Tillerson who called him a moron?
This 📸 he is the epitamy of Smug.
They believe they are superior or better than others. They are content with their current situation and lack motivation to improve. They may come across as condescending or dismissive of others.
I know. It's all illegal and the 14th amendment needs to be inacted. But everyone is scared of the bully. It's the most disgusting shit I have ever seen. It's up to us now. We the people need to be in the streets fighting back
Malignant narcissism. I really don't understand how so many people think this is a positive attribute. I'm really trying to understand these people, but it seems impossible to me.
Well, I'm gonna look to the future. When he passes, the nation will not be in a state of morning. It'll be a day celebration. Rejoiceful Ding-Dong, the devil, is dead.
And his base of schmuck voters is wondering why people in their orbit just stopped responding to them. If you were complicit in this asshole being elected I want nothing to do with you.
Sincerely--who's more delusional--our big, orange special boy, or his supporters voting against their own self interest? Awful truth is trump can afford to be delusional. Many of his supporters cant afford an impoverished life.
He’s a conman and a grifter. Apparently he constantly farts too. But democrats are to blame for holding no primaries, and having middle class Kamala take every page out of Hillary’s the lesser of two evils playbook.
The only way in which he is right about anything is when you ignore the person he's maligning and then apply whatever he says to him and his traitor tots.
I hope the fucker does a Gerald Ford down a flight of stairs; preferably a very tall, steep flight, and hits each step on the way down! And I hope it not only hurts like a motherfucker, but also renders his moronic, fascist ass unconscious for at least the next four years!
Don’t just stop at delusional! The whiniest 300lb. man-baby to yap through 8 consecutive years. An actual walking , talking, unwiped rectum! The nastiest, pulsating, mound of orange Crisco ever to pollute the face of the earth……..
I just can’t in good conscience repost anything with this vile persons face. I’m actually to the point of recoiling every time it appears. And I can’t even block it from my phone or iPad. 🇨🇦✌️
Geo was right all along..Geo is always right.!! I can make statements too trump...🤔🤔 Trump is a lying c.u.n.t..tell me I'm wrong...I dare you...see Geo is always I🤣🤣
The fact that he has to be dressed in either the ill-fitting crappy blue suit or this cheap-ass, self-promoting golf attire speaks volumes about what a tool he truly is. And that moronic clenched-teeth smile. Delusional, dangerous idiot.
He is very right but he’s not even in his wildest dreams. CORRECT. He NEVER WILL BE CORRECT. We must start using correct in place of right whenever and wherever we may
The most delusional man who ever existed was Charles Dickens, because he envisioned a world in which a person not unlike Donald Trump (Scrooge) could be made to become a decent human being after being shown human suffering & decency by three spirits.
Looks like he's smiling extra hard to keep his dentures from falling out of his face. Wish you had universal healthcare now burnt Marshmallow??? Slumlord slime, his ancestors were all misshappen pieces of turd that even the worms refused to recycle.
This is what he does… Since everyone has been saying, HILLARY was right about everything… He then goes and gets this hat. Honestly, he’s such a f*cking loser.
And on top of it all, the taxpayer paid over a million dollars to keep that Orange waste of oxygen alive. Government waste.
He was right when he appointed general Kelly who said DT is a fascist?
He was right when he appointed Tillerson who called him a moron?
They believe they are superior or better than others. They are content with their current situation and lack motivation to improve. They may come across as condescending or dismissive of others.
Nor did inciting the insurrection, stealing classified documents, committing 34 felonies and being a rapist!
None of it stopped him!
Wind him up,
pop a tic tac in his mouth and witness his sex crimes in real time.
Then watch him brag to an adoring
crowd of boy scouts.
Ignore the entire event in Washington DC!
he who 's evil and stupid
or those who follow him ?
1. Fear
2 Money
The most delusional man who ever existed was Charles Dickens, because he envisioned a world in which a person not unlike Donald Trump (Scrooge) could be made to become a decent human being after being shown human suffering & decency by three spirits.
That's some serious delusion.
#IHateTrump #TrumpIsNotMyPresident