Donald Trump babbling about bringing back religion hits a little differently after he's been attacking a Bishop.
We need a lot less and for it to stay in its lane
“You shall not commit adultery.”
What does Trump care about God?
Trump plays for the other.
He was born in hell.
See the piece I wrote for the Huffington Post.
It might be true.
You read it on the internet.
Oof, the gloves are off today....
Welcome to the End Times 🔥
religion has never mattered to him.
it's all a show for the Christian nationalist extremists and Opus Dei nuts that he attracts.
But DON’T pray for Mercy! 😞
See how easy that was?
Happy Holocaust Remembrance Day!!
Be sure to leave out cookies for St Netenyahu!!
Also most atheists know the biblical texts far more than the cultists and definitely more than Traitor Trump who couldn't name a part of the bible he liked.
That religious schools are functionally segregated because of the “most segregated hour in America” is relevant.
I consulted with him about this, he said:
“Naah, I just don’t want that POS up here or down below, you guys fucking deal with him”
Has no one read the Constitution?