DNC Chair Nominee Ken Martin:
"When the Trump agenda fails Americans, which it most certainly will and already has, we have to be there with a legitimate alternative to this chaos."
"When the Trump agenda fails Americans, which it most certainly will and already has, we have to be there with a legitimate alternative to this chaos."
The stopping of government processes will cause a fault in the country and the economy that will give Trump the moment and leverage
to take all power
Maybe we can do something by ourselves, though, too?
Why don't you come take a walk :)
When (future) it fails... or, already (current) has [failed]?
The former validates the agenda that might fail...
The latter validates the failure the agenda is.
So, which message are people supposed to hear?
All anyone's saying, including schumer & jeffries, are nothing short of unicorn farts. 'trump should have done this or should have done that or shouldn't have done that.'
We're beyond the No Shit. Sherlock phase. Dems must be more proactive Now.
Tell us HOW you're going to bring down food prices, how you'll give us inexpensive healthcare, & how you'll raise wages so we can afford to buy a house
Stop telling us Trump is bad and give us a plan
Ken Martin needs to fight every day,
To crush GOP lies in a bold aggressive way.
Push back hard against the dishonest crew.
Battle for values that Democrats hold true.
Here is my "yes and":
It just means we’re in for more pain.
I don't think democratic Americans have really understood what Trump & Project 2025 are going to do to you, if you don't stop them.