He has no job except living off of daddy’s grifting. He’s an addict and doesn’t even try to hide it. I’d like to see him and daddy dearest to take an honest drug test and then have the testing center publish the results.
1) his dad
2) his genetics
3) lack of actual intelligence
4) His "love" of animals
5) he ate a Marmot in Mongolia because it was "contrabandy" and a "delicacy". It was banned due to Bubonic Plague transmissions
6) I could keep going but Bluesky only gives us 300 characters
The list is long. So long. His girlfriends are basically sex workers hired to be his caregiver and make sure he doesn't go too far off the rails. His ex wife is thankful everyday he's out of her life.
I swear we crossed into an alternate timeline of idiocracy somehow. In the other normal timeline Gore won the election, 9/11 never happened, the whole Trump family is in prison...
Now We Have Deadly Diseases Attacking Us Like Ebola And Measles! They Trump/Musk/Kennedy Fluff It Off Like Oops We Made A Mistake Getting Rid Of All The Workers!!!
Measles Has Shown Up In Bergen County, New Jersey!
He"s ruZZian agent repeating RuZZian propoganda at the highest level.
Grinning from ear to ear when someone asked Zelensskyy why he did not wear a suit and telling President Zelensskyy he runs propoganda tours when asked if he had visited Ukraine.
The shittiet and most boring drug ever. The best ones only require a tiny bit, and they foster a wonder and awe for life, nature, and the cosmos, and leave you a more compassionate and kind person.
Dirty little secret of nearly all addicts, they've suffered trauma and/or have 1 or more abusive parents. And the abuse can be "only" emotional abuse, that'll do it.
Face drugs.
Nose beers.
Deport him to Europe.
I’ll let you figure out the “dog”.
When Trump is gone, he will be completely irrelevant....
He is a broken soul for starters.
These idiots are always talking about IQ. Let’s see what it really is.
It's such a fine line I hate to see it go
Cocaine, runnin' all 'round my brain
2) his genetics
3) lack of actual intelligence
4) His "love" of animals
5) he ate a Marmot in Mongolia because it was "contrabandy" and a "delicacy". It was banned due to Bubonic Plague transmissions
6) I could keep going but Bluesky only gives us 300 characters
Been too long since we've seen him . . . not!
Measles Has Shown Up In Bergen County, New Jersey!
Grinning from ear to ear when someone asked Zelensskyy why he did not wear a suit and telling President Zelensskyy he runs propoganda tours when asked if he had visited Ukraine.
White line go away !
Blow !
His teeth are implants or veneers, so no chance of them falling out. 😮
coke, Ket and meth
#Snowman! 🤘🏻
In other news, the sun is large and bright.
Lots wrong.