All these mouth breathing MAGA folks screeching about the Oscars and that NoBoDY cArES wHaT CeLeBriTieS sAY elected a D-list reality tv “star” as the President of the United States.
Sit all the way down.
Sit all the way down.
Waaaaay too high!!
More like "ZZIOU a ranking"
Trump would be Colman Francis.
Populism is the reason we elected a fake/fraud reality tv star “supposed successful business man with 6 bankruptcies” FELON RAPIST to be the fucking President.
This country is infected with stupid cult loving worshippers of celebrity.
🪦 America
Sit down and shut the fuck up.
Isnt it what they said during the election campaigning ?
They really desire more influential people to fall into the cult lines yet wont admit, Gos forbid them to admit it 😁
In fact, just open a hatch and stuff them under the subfloor.
Hated that he included me in all Americans wondering the same.
They’re mad their celebrities fuckin SUCK
Yall can keep those has beens 👌🏼
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.
It’s like the Pillow Guy got elected.
Why didn’t a Koch brother run? Would’ve made more sense