Governor Glenn Youngkin said he wants to bring back the values of Thomas Jefferson.
Jefferson knocked up his late wife's enslaved half-sister with 6 kids after starting a relationship with her when she was 14.
4 kids survived and he freed a couple of them…eventually.
Jefferson knocked up his late wife's enslaved half-sister with 6 kids after starting a relationship with her when she was 14.
4 kids survived and he freed a couple of them…eventually.
Along with the land, Jefferson inherited slaves from his father and even more slaves from his father-in-law, John Wayles; he also bought and sold enslaved people. In a typical year, he owned about 200, almost half of them under the age of sixteen.
Yes, he wrote the declaration of independence. He is still an absolute monster.
She wasn't the only one either.
MaGa FaMiLY vaLUeS.
....what's your point?"
That’s how come the US has all this trouble now.
And the way things are going, that might be back on the table.
Are those the HUMANIST values Youngkin wants to bring back?!?
Which Jefferson are we talking about? The one that wrote the lofty ideas that we still praise or the one that was desperately in debt and eager to do anything to make a profit?
Ain't the "Good Ol' Boy System" (GOBS) great?
Could it be that the Founding Fathers had a GOBS, so they didn't allow women or slaves to vote or even include enforceable penalties for violating the Constitution? 🤔😒🤨
340,000,000 🇺🇸’s
2nd Amendment
Tyrannical government
Day 47
Not a shot fired!
Unless the men are shooting Kids!