Sharing this old video of Rudy Giuliani for no particular reason other than it makes me laugh.


By this time next year that will be Elon Musk.
The system isn’t rigged. It’s just... strategically designed to ensure the top 1% can afford a yacht while we debate if avocado toast is ruining our financial future.
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Where’s the drunk old man been lately? Time for these dinosaurs to hit the bucket. We’re waiting. ⏰
Nahh he’s not drunk… he fuckin wasted!!!
The old ones are still the best ones.
Thoughts and chairs, Rudy.
Solid one too.
Hardest I’d laughed in 50 days.
Good thing God saved him!! 🙃
Did we ever get the name of the person holding the errant mic? Or have they been disappeared?
Not that I know of.
needs fart noises
Don't want to see that slimeball on here
Had a couple before haha
Was he picking up a penny because he needs it to pay his legal bills?
Poor, poor, poor Rudy. Can he no longer afford to keep his health.
"I'm not drunk, I'm just drinking" 🤪 Fruity Rudy
Ha ha ha. That and the Four Seasons debacle😝
Why isn't he in prison?
“Out at third base, he missed the bag.”
Good one! 😆⚾️
Thank you, we need heartwarming things like this in these trying times
I like the one of him on the riding shopping cart at Walmart, in the hair dye aisle...
That damn kleptamin! 😤
One of the many things the trump touch has destroyed, the destruction of America's mayor. So sad to see him for what he really is.
LOL every time 🤣
He had a few too many
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Trump's agent in the blackmail of Ukraine.
Rudy will receive a Medal of Honor and Kennedy Center award for indecency
They should’ve left him there to get up on his own two feet by himself. Isn’t that what he tells all of us to do?
This will never get old. 😂
America's drunkard
Not much to laugh about these days. You have to take the little things 🤣🤣🤣
The drunk stumble is priceless!
The shadenfreude is real
Oopsy daisies.
This JAGGOFF used to take pride in putting Mobsters and rats in prison. Then he worked for a wanna be mobster and rats! He’s a shit stain
He used to put competing mobsters in prison. If you paid or had clout you didn’t see a courtroom and if you did or paid, you got charges dropped. Ask yourself why Trump’s dad never went to prison?
Rudy does his impression of Tesla stock?
Drink ass nazi piece of shit
I can watch this on a loop. 😂
Is the old fart living under a bridge yet? 🤔🧐
Ohhh my gosh!! 🙃
thank you...thoroughly enjoyed that.
Tripped over his zipper?
Find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll get sat on yer arse!
Sober as a judge
He thought he saw some evidence of voter fraud under that folding chair?
We don’t hear much of anything about Rudy lately. I wonder if he’s in rehab or just passed out most of the time.
Did he get the nickel he was pointing at?
Me too 😂😂😂
This is a good memory.🤭
I like the one where his hair is melting off making black streaks lol
Holy shit, I needed that laugh. Thank you for sharing and doing this important work.
Look, a penny
Im ashamed if trumpsters and I don’t want to be mean like they are
Not the hair dye one?
😂😂😂 what a jackass
I appreciate that
Might be an old video, but I had never seen it… am very glad you shared!! 🤣😂😅
Haha. Glad you got to see it!
He sued the chair for assault! 🤣
No he didn’t, did he? 😅😂🤣
No but you get the idea!
Your pups are good lookers!
Still hilarious 🤣.
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Still reeling from that slap in the grocery store.
"Bro what was in that vape?"
What is Rudy doing these days?
Looking for where his life went wrong down an empty bottle of wine. Honestly though, I’m not sure.
My guess : He thought he saw a quarter and stopped to pick it up cause those legal bills aren’t going to pay themselves
Lol, good one. My favorite video of crazy uncle rudy colludy is the one with his hair dye dripping down his face. What a clown.
Me t😂😂!!!
He should be a cautionary tale for the people propping trump up right now
Thank you! I needed that! 🤣🤣
It’s great !
He must have slipped on his dripping hair dye
funniest part is that it is not that old.
The photographers were on their A game for that 😂
Need the Benny Hill music for character 😹
funny tho how many of trumps OLD inner circle you never hear about anymore. kicked to the curb, Rudy?
just like the rest.
🤣🤣🤣🤣me too
Too many Whiskey Sours.
“Hey look! There’s a nickel on the floor! I’m just gonna go pick that up …”
He’s fallen and can’t get up
the drunk bastard...
never gets old!
It is quite funny isn't it looks like what goes around comes around don't see his mate trump helping him 😄
He wouldn’t
Don't worry he's fine the quart in his pocket broke the fall.
Where is that ole fart anyway?
Me too! Thanks! Check out . Just discovered him today. Dude’s got some hilarious parody videos on there.
The interwebz is serious business! 😆
🎶”Show me the way to the next whiskey bar…oh don’t ask why”🎶
I never could decide if that was a result of an old knee, Old Grand Dad or both.
"Man down."
That FEELS so right now…

Your #MOMENT is upon you #Chuck!
MAGA pole dancers? 😆
That one was the best!
This video will always be great! 🤣
MAGAts deliver! 😆
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Where is rudy these days??
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Drunk again
That WAS a good time.

My current favorite shows Rudy comparing hair dye prices at Walmart. It has it all:

- Rudy on a scooter!

- At Walmart!

- Comparing prices!

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He must have had a hell of a hangover !!!
It looks like he knew there was a problem with himself and knew he was going to fall.

I’ve been there and done that when I was giving blood.
Having no rougher time than the ladies whose life he ruined. Little freak. Touch the orange devil. Burn to a crisp.
Is he still alive ?
Drunk bastard.
Rudy: “oh look, a Melania crypto coooiinnn, whaaa, ouchie…”
One scotch too many.
Thanks for the memories! 🤣
hopefully he's stumbling around on skid row now 🙄🙄🙄😛😛😛👿👿👿💩💩💩🧠🧠🧠😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂
I remember this. One too many vodka tonics. 😹
Oh was it because of drinking?
Probably. He's all about the cocktails.
Oh! I DO remember this one! I’d like to see a sequel!
Some one come and put their alcoholic grandpa in a home.
I can’t help but chuckle.
Me too 🤣😂
Reminds me of the old Chevy Chase as Gerald Ford skits on SNL.
he was tucking in his shirt!!
Mix tape it with tuberhead falling down the stairs. Infinite loop.
Damn drunk! 🤪
The penguin in public
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What a shame, he can't navigate on cheap Scotch.
Me too. I hope he’s doing really shitty.
Thanks for the pick me up this morning. Pun intended!
All the people just taking pictures…
🤣😂🤣 Intoxicated?
U think 🤔😂🤣😂
Remember when Rudles got a pat on the back in a bodega and acted like he was murdered?
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Per NBC news: Giuliani has finally ""fully satisfied" a judgment against him after defaming two former Georgia election workers by falsely accusing them of election fraud in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential contest, according to a federal court filing Monday." (Feb 24,2025)
Bumbling & Stumblingly
I'm sure he blamed this on someone on the left.
I do that with Tuberville falling down the stairs to Journey 🤭
I had to watch twice because I thought that was Pete Hegseth after giving a speech and sipping his “water” for a second. 🤡