You haven’t really worked a shit job until you get stuck behind a register until midnight on Christmas eve, or you’re stuck cleaning dishes in the back of pizza joint while fireworks are going off on the fourth of July. Trump is always a tourist with no skin in the game.
I once went on a tour of a french fry factory (…long story) and one of the things they explained was that short fries had to be shuffled off to lower-value uses. Like the long fries could go to McDonald’s. The short fries had to be demoted. Because apparently people care about fry length.
You haven't worked a shit job until the stink never washes out of your clothes, you have to leave your shoes outside and you shower after work, not before.
My first job was picking eggs at a local henhouse. My mom used to make me strip in the garage, wash down with a garden hose and put on fresh clothes before coming into the house. I'd put my work clothes in a trash bag and carry them to the washing machine.
SCOTUS: Woo hoo-hoo, looks who knows so much, huh? Well, it just so happens that your candidate here is only "MOSTLY an insurrectionist."
Her fries.
Um, right behind you, ma’am.
Makes a fucktonne of difference if the premises is actually open too, and not closed for the day for your specially choreographed 'shift'.
But also, hilarious. 🤣😂🤣