Very industrial, not ornate in any way. They used to come as kits, Heathkit™ model AR1515. You would build them yourself. The internal quality though is like the Rolls-Royce of its era.
Please warn ppl about using Hartz. I damn near killed him, not knowing the dangers. He was already dehydrated & exhausted. He had seizures for a couple of days. It was agonizing. Luckily the vet took him to her home over the holiday & nursed him. We all thought he was going to pass. Now? Zoom!
OMG, that's terrible. I feed about 50 feral cats at 9 different locations. I use "Flea Assassin" on them. I can put in their food cuz half of them won't let me pet them. I will definitely spread the word. Not the 1st time I've heard this. He's lucky you rescued him. Or did he find you? 😉
Next door neighbor has dementia & fears cats. She was going to use her cane but called us first. Neighbor on the other side feeds a feral colony, but his behaviors weren't wild & the cats next door didn't recognize him. We think he was a runt dump. Sucks to be them. He's amazing. 😊
Can recommend!
Aka nugget, nug, nuggie buddy
Well it's a lie! She won't let you!
And then I think "I bet everyone does that"