exactly that and saw a piece earlier about the thinking with these new bots as well, you know 'i kindly disagree but ...' to stop bots only way is personal verified info, i.e blue ticks ... but so many want to be anon ...
For people who claim to “own” others, their fragility is astounding. I’ve never seen so many mediocre men (and the women they abuse) just line up to validate their own idiocy.
They need people to antagonise, it's basically their entire business model, the fact is that reporting, blocking and moving on works, no giving them attention, no quote dunking on them. It needs to be Hammered into people's heads as bluesky grows bigger.
and on here it really works due to the nature of the platform being more like old twitter, that trolls and bots can't gain traction .... over there of course they promote them
MAGA complained about being "left out of conversation"then bullied their way into various social media spaces and took them over. When the dust settled and all they had was each other. They cannibalize themselves and hated their own echo chamber. It's would be hilarious if it wasn't so dangerous.
Honestly, I am done responding to any Maga BS, not worth the high blood pressure. Blocking them is way easier as they won't hold a rational conversation anyways
That’s their MO. They don’t care about anything. Really. Nothing affects them. They just want be on the winning side and to be cruel. They get off on it.
Before that, dude had called me "smug and superior" for criticizing Biden's complicity in genocide, Harris' anti-immigration rhetoric, and the Dem's cozying up to the Cheneys as a campaign strategy.
Lot’s on the left seem to have the “my version of” syndrome as bad as the right. These days commentary and discussion get dissected as if all commentary is radical. Gone are the days of respectful differences.
Both liberals and conservatives talk as if achieving a fair and honest system of government is impossible without some kind of violent insurrection. When in fact all it would require is a labor party that really cares about the working class and aren't in bed with billionaires and corporations.
Resist everywhere.
Alternately: "We can't quit y'all."
I did block one idiot lib though, after he accused me of wanting people to get "killed in the revolution." 😆